Monday, September 10, 2007

Latest Creations

Here are some of my latest creations. I have been wanting to buy a needle holder for my knitting needles but they run about $50 so I decided to try and make one. After all, I use to sew a lot of bunnies and bears. I like the way it turned out. I can put all kinds of needles in there. It took awhile to make and now my old sewing machine isn't working so I have to get it fixed so I can make more for some Knitster friends of mine.

I am also working on a sock. I knitting them on two sets of circular needles. It sounds confusing but I am getting the hang of it. I turned the heal all by myself just by reading the pattern! Woo! Hoo! Knit on!


Martha said...

Wow, the needle case is extremely pretty. You are way too talented. ;-) I also like the socks. Is that the "magic loop" mehtod?

Debi said...

Hi Traci,
The needle case looks fab.. Your projects are looking awsome, keep up the good work. Knit-On!